the Problem
- 1 in every 2 children in India experiences some form of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). 1 in 5 children faces severe CSA.1
- About 95% abusers are known to the victim.2
- There is tremendous taboo and limited acceptance of the issue.
- Trauma from CSA can be Life-long and can lead to:
- • PTSD • Depression  • Anxiety  • Suicidal Tendencies • Substance Abuse  • Low Self-Esteem •Sexual Risk Behaviours  • Eating & Sleeping Disorders
- There is huge stigma for accessing mental health services.
- Source:
- Study on Child Abuse by Ministry of Women & Child Development, Govt. of India (2007)
- National Crime Records Bureau (2019)
- Source:
There is strong evidence that school-based prevention models, such as Arpan’s model, work well to prevent Child Sexual Abuse.
Arpan is India’s largest non-profit working on the issue of Child Sexual Abuse.
Prevention and Healing Services for children and adults, including building pedagogy for new demographics.
Training and Capacity Building of Stakeholders to replicate and scale delivery of Child Sexual Abuse prevention and healing services.
Public and Policy Advocacy to create mass awareness about Child Sexual Abuse and advocate for systemic level change.
1.6 million  children and adults impacted
In an external evaluation of Arpan’s work, it was found that after the PSE programme, of the children who were interviewed,
- 8% children reported unsafe situations and 90% sought help from a trusted adult.
In an other evaluation, it was found that,
- >80% of the children taught by teachers trained by Arpan remember 75% of key personal safety concepts.
- Train 400,000 children and adult care-givers on personal safety.
- Train 50,000 stakeholders to replicate PSE programme to reach millions of children.