Our Impact

Since inception Arpan has impacted the lives of over 18.7 million (1 crore and 87 lakhs) children and adults through its work. Among this, Arpan has:

  1. Trained over 10,37,027 children and adults directly:
  • Through the Personal Safety Education (PSE) Programme Arpan has trained over 1,48,100 children and over 1,15,300 adults including parents and teachers as well as non-teaching staff in over 266 schools and 4 shelter homes/institutions in 3 districts of Maharashtra.
  • Of these, step-up (repeat sessions) were done with over 87,800 children and over 55,400 parents and teachers.
  • Arpan has provided psycho-education/counselling and intervention to over 17,200 children and over 3,600 family members.
  • Through the Training and Policy Advocacy Programme Pan India Arpan has trained over 2,94,000 individuals and professionals.
  • Of these, we have trained over 2,94,000 professionals (Govt. and Non-Govt. teachers, social workers and mental health professionals) to replicate prevention and intervention models of Child Sexual Abuse. Our partners have trained over 17.6 million (1 crore and 76 lakhs) adults and children through PSE implementation and Curriculum Integration.
  • Through Policy Advocacy at the State level, in Maharashtra,  PSE messages were included in the Maharashtra State Council of Educational Research and Training curriculum on Child Safety. Over 2,100 Master Teacher Trainers and over 120,000 teachers across Maharashtra were trained on this curriculum.
  • Through Policy Advocacy at the State level, in Bihar, Child Safety was included in Bihar Education Project Council curriculum and 100 Master Teachers were trained on this curriculum.
  • Through the Digital Learning Programme over 3,45,000 individuals accessed Arpan’s digital content through partner organisations like UNICEF and partner platforms like DIKSHA which have integrated our content.

2. Overall 345,000 resources (books and publications) developed as a part of our Resource Development activity, have been disseminated since we started our work in 2006. These numbers are not counted in the overall outreach.

3. Since Inception, Arpan has reached an average of 8.7 million (87 lakh) people through its Communication Activities annually. We have created awareness about Child Sexual Abuse through various media and events. Of this:

    • An average of 4.6 million individuals reached through events
    • An average of 3.4 million individuals through TV, Radio, films and print media
    • An average of 2.3 million individuals through social media engagement and website
    • 233 articles in the media mentioning Arpan or on Arpan

4. Evaluations:

  • An external evaluation of the effectiveness of Arpan’s flagship programme – Personal Safety Education – found that 8% of children disclosed unsafe experiences of which 90% sought help from a trusted adult.
  • More than 80% of the children who have undergone Arpan’s Personal Safety Education, retained more than 75% of the key messages taught during the programme.

Please find more of our evaluation findings here