Arpan, an NGO that works towards the cause of Child Sexual Abuse has launched their free for all online child safety platform,, where the courses are structured so that, all of the course content traditionally delivered in the classroom is delivered online. Course materials may be accessed by means of a Learning Management System (LMS). The lessons are for teachers, parents and students between the age of 4 to 16 on the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. Resources like “My Safety Book” for children, “Caregivers Handbook” for parents and teachers helps parents to talk with their kids about the sensitive topic and creates an environment of comfort and assurance for children to seek help. These resources are free to access on the platform to the relevant stakeholders. The platform also has the Personal Safety Course for children between 8-10 year which is a 40-minute interactive course that teaches personal safety messages to children through videos and interactive games. At the end of the course, children are given certificates on completion.
Source : Times Of India